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Cara's Journey


"Pet Tales: Friday Edition"

Not all the animals we receive are dogs and cats. We often have farm animals in our care . When this occurs, typically the animal has been brought to us by Animal Control after they've confiscated said animal from an unsatisfactory living condition. Thus was the case with Cara.

She came to Sammie's Friends in the nick of time. The vet

made an emergency visit to see her and they said she probably wouldn't have lived more than a couple more days.

We were shocked and heartbroken at her condition. Her Body Condition Score (BCS) was a 1 out of 9. The lower the number, the worse the condition. Severely dehydrated, and starving,

you could tell by the look in her eyes that she had just about given up. She had been suffering far too long. We started her on a slow refeeding program recommended by her vet, which

included small, frequent meals. Shelter staff would come to the shelter late at night to feed her so she didn't miss any of her

prescribed feeding times. Slowly, Cara started to gain weight,

and enjoy a normal life. At this point we needed to arrange surgery for a large mass to be removed from her neck. The final step in the journey to health and an adoption into a new home.

We never give up on our mission to help the animals that deserve a chance at a better life. It's YOUR DONATIONS that make this kind of care available. For this we thank you!

If you are able to donate to the continued care of Sammie's Friends animals please choose the donate button below OR text SAMMIE to 41444.

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