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Donations Keep Us Keepin' On


Donations. They are what keeps this non-profit working. We'd like to share with you some "behind the scenes" work that is only possible through your donated funds. Here's a bit of what's happened around here the past few days.

"Pet Tales: Friday Edition"

"Kettle" very lethargic and drooling, eyes dilated and gums very pale. To the Vet. he went . $

"Lord Blackwood" limping, painful hind quarters. To the Vet. $

"Murphy" brought into the shelter in distress, likely very pregnant. Needs to be evaluated and have X-rays. To the Vet. $

"Clara" large mammory cyst to be removed while undergoing spay. $

"Richard" brought in as a stray. Abscess on paw. To the Vet. $

"Tex" broken tooth needs to be pulled at the same time as neuter. $

"Creme" wound repair on hind end at same time as neuter. $

"Lennon" excessive blood in kennel. Lab work at Vet. Mediations required. $

These are just a few of the pets treated the past few days. Whew. It's a lot.

We couldn't do what we do without your support and donations. It takes a village and we appreciate ours.

To donate choose the button below or text SAMMIE to 53-555

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